Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My last post was two weeks ago today and I am happy to report I am doing much better! I have exercised a total of 11 of the last 14 days and exercised a total of 6 hours and 45 mins! Sadly I am not loosing the lbs yet but I know with the last time I lost a lot of weight it took time...a lot of time...but eventually they started falling off. I AM however noticing that my clothes seem to fit better and I am able to wear some of my pre-pregnancy clothes which is a HUGE deal. And though honestly it would be nice to step on the scale and see what I have deemed as an ideal weight for me, what makes ME feel good about myself is how I feel in my own skin. If I can throw on a cute shirt, some comfy jeans and feel like I look cute then its all good! I don't know that I am at that point yet but I am getting closer, a LOT closer then I was two months ago.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It's been over a month since my last post...I've been the biggest slacker!

Things are going about the same as usual. Last week though I did pretty horrible. I worked 4 12-hour shifts in a row from 1pm-1am and I felt like when I wasn't working I was sleeping and when I wasn't sleeping I was working. It was really hard to get a workout in and on top of that my "gym" aka my cousins house was out of commission since my cousin was on vacation. I feel like these are all excuses though cause I could have always found ways around them to exercise but I didn't.

Anywho...I am not gonna get stuck in that mind-set. It's a new week and I am off to a good start. I worked out for over an hour yesterday which felt really good. I decided that I am going to go on a walk for at least one of my breaks each day. I have two so I figure if I spend at least one of them (15 mins) doing cardio that will help me get in the right state of mind. I am also going to be more committed to working-out after work at my cousin DeAnn's house everyday. 30 minutes of cardio on a bike X 5 days = 2.5 hours, not too shabby! Matt and I are also going to try to go on a 20 minute walk every evening now that its warm enough to do so.

As for eating my biggest weakness is the weekends. I do great all week but then here comes Saturday and Sunday and I am ready to pig out. I need to find more healthy snacks for those days so I can eat better. It's a life-long journey and I just have to take it a day at a time.